March 27, 2017 • MOTHERHOOD
I haven't officially introduced Addison here on the blog. So I thought her newborn pictures would be the perfect introduction. We are one month into life with Addison and she fits so perfectly into our family. We can't imagine life without her now. She is the sweetest little baby, and we are all absolutely smitten with her. So without further ado, welcome to the world Addison Elaine...
I started blogging several months after Everly was born and never got the chance to document her birth story. However, surprisingly enough, it went almost exactly the same way as it did with Addison. I went into labor the exact same way and delivered both girls on the exact same day (as far as how far along in the pregnancy I was) at almost the exact same time. Isn't that crazy?
My water broke around 2:00 in the morning while sleeping in bed. I immediately called my sister to come stay with Everly so we could head to the hospital. After a few hours I never started contracting consistently or very strongly on my own. So the doctor started me on pitocin. I sat in labor for a couple more hours before requesting an epidural, which was a slice of heaven. I kicked back and enjoyed a couple movies and several cups of Jello while we waited. My labor was SO easy with both girls. The only exception being when my epidural started to wear off with Addison. I requested another dose and almost immediately after, my blood pressure dropped. I couldn't explain what was happening or what I was feeling, only that something was wrong. To top it off I was completely dilated and they were ready for me to push. And because I didn't know what I was feeling and I couldn't describe to the nurses what I needed, I started to panic. I got physically sick which made it even worse. Thankfully this only lasted a few minutes before my blood pressure leveled out and I felt like myself again. I literally pushed twice and Addison was born at 1:21pm. She was 8.6 lbs and 21.5 inches of absolute perfection. We instantly fell in love.
And if you've followed my blog in the past you know how terrified I was of how a new baby would affect Everly. Let me tell you guys, Everly has LOVED being a big sister. She is so proud of "her baby". This little momma follows my every step, helps with every bottle feeding, always grabs a diaper for me, and is constantly showering Addison with kisses. Goodness I love my girls so much I think my heart will explode sometimes.
Can you see how proud she is in these pictures?!
Thank you Paige Logan Photography for these beautiful pictures of our family. This was our eighth session with them and once again Paige and Katie captured us so perfectly. It almost makes me tear up looking at these pictures. I love this little family we've created. Thank you all for following along too. I hope you all have a great week!
March 20, 2017 • SHOP
We are almost one month into our life as a family of four and have been overwhelmed by the support of our family and friends as we make the transition into this new chapter. Whether it was gifts, food, or visitors, Addison has definitely been greeted with the warmest welcome. But I especially want to highlight the support of my incredible husband.
Chad's steadfast support and encouragement kept me strong through labor and delivery and especially now during the "newborn phase". He fixes us breakfast every morning, offers to do the first feeding and diaper change of the morning to allow me an extra hour of sleep, and makes sure Everly is bathed and in bed so I can get ready for the night. And despite working long days during the week he volunteers to get up with Addison at night on the weekends. I love this man.
In addition to all that, he has gone above and beyond to make sure I feel appreciated and beautiful during the tough time of trying to get back to feeling and looking like myself again. He had flowers delivered to my hospital room, took me to my favorite local boutique to buy my first post pregnancy outfit, and had a brand new pair of tennis shoes shipped to the house so I could get myself out and walking when cabin fever sets in.
After 9.5 months of hard work growing, laboring and delivering a baby, what mother wouldn't appreciate these "push presents"? But I think fathers need to be appreciated just as much as mothers during this time. This is a transition for him as much as it is for me and he needs to be thanked for picking up the extra load while I focus on the new baby.
But if your husband is anything like mine, finding the right gift is difficult. When JORD reached out to me about their Spring campaign I knew this was the perfect "push present" for Chad. He loves watches as much as I love shoes. And although he has a pretty great collection already, JORD's unique wood watches are unlike anything he has. Their luxury all-natural wooden timepieces are ones I knew Chad would appreciate and love. Not to mention they are the perfect accessory to dress up or down. Perfect for my guy who spends his day going back and forth between business meetings and casual days in the office. It's safe to say this is his new go-to piece when getting ready in the mornings.

Chad's watch linked here
Chad's watch linked here
When Chad and I met 14 years ago I never could have imaged the life we have built today and the amazing husband and father he would become. The boy I melted over at 15 while watching him sprint down the high school track has become the man of my dreams. And I am so thankful our girls have such an incredible man to model the kind of husband and father they should look for when they are grown. Thank you JORD for helping me show this man just how much we love and appreciate him.
And because we love Chad's watch so much, JORD has offered to give one of my readers a $100 gift card to purchase one of their own! All you have to do is enter HERE. And each and every person that enters will receive a $25 gift card right away!
Check out their men's watches here and their women's watches here.
Check out their men's watches here and their women's watches here.
The contest ends 4/2/17 and the winner will be announced shortly after.
Wooden Wrist Watch
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