I hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend. We had a busy and hot one. Poor Everly went to bed thirty minutes early last night and had to be drug out of bed this morning. We were all exhausted. Saturday we traveled to Louisville for a family cookout. It was nice to visit with family we don't see often. And Everly loved being around all the kids. She absolutely loves playing with kids older than her.

My shirt
My shirt
Sunday we helped my youngest sister move to Knoxville as she starts PA school this week. It's a good 4 hour drive for us so it was a very long day. But Everly was such a good sport. She usually travels really well and is pretty easy going, always rolling with the punches and whatever we have going on for the day. I thank the Lord every night for such an easy going and happy baby.
On Monday it was just us girls since Daddy had to work. So we spent the holiday the best way we knew how, shopping at Target. She's a good shopping partner for about an hour. After that my time is up and it is time. to. go.
dress, clip
Look at that face. I swear this kid makes me laugh all the time. I loved having her to myself for the day. There is something extra special about getting to spend a day with her that I would typically be at work. I always try to make those days fun, and festive now that we are nearing the holiday season. Since it was too hot out we had to spend the afternoon inside. So we put together a little fall inspired treat and sat on the couch watching Sesame Street while we enjoyed it.
We are keeping it displayed on the counter for instant access throughout the day. Here is the original recipe I found. I just gave it a little Halloween twist. We substituted the bunny grahams for pretzel sticks and the M&M's for candy corn and sprinkles. You really could use anything you want and tweek the ingredients for any holiday of the year.
Speaking of snuggling up on the couch, I always love to light a festive smelling candle to help set the mood. Bath and Body Works 3-wick candles are my absolute favorite! They recently released their fall scents and I have to get my hands on a couple. Pumpkin Pecan Waffles and Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow?! They are speaking to me.
When Chad got home Monday evening he hung Everly's new swing for her. After the sun started to set it cooled off enough to spend some time outside. She lo-o-oved her swing. Or maybe she just got a huge kick out of beating up on Daddy. Chad would let her feet hit him while she was swinging and make a dramatic fall backwards like she kicked him. She was cracking up. So was I. My heart melts every time I get to sit and watch those two bond together.

And finally, I am thankful for a short work week. Long weekends are bitter sweet. It makes dropping my baby off at daycare just a little bit harder when it's time to get back to our normal routine. But this week is supposed to bring beautiful weather and I cannot wait. I am planning all sorts of fun. Hope you all have a great week! Sending fall weather wishes your way!
And finally, I am thankful for a short work week. Long weekends are bitter sweet. It makes dropping my baby off at daycare just a little bit harder when it's time to get back to our normal routine. But this week is supposed to bring beautiful weather and I cannot wait. I am planning all sorts of fun. Hope you all have a great week! Sending fall weather wishes your way!
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