December 30, 2015 • HOLIDAYS, MOTHERHOOD
It's a little bitter sweet for me to see Christmas come and go so quickly. This is by far my most favorite time of the year. But I'm always excited to start fresh with a new year, new goals and new adventures. This was definitely one of my favorite Christmases to date. We had six family gatherings and did a lot of traveling. Everly was a trooper and handled the change in schedule and hectic scenery well. She wasn't afraid of unfamiliar faces and loved being the center of attention.
Everly was showered with way too many gifts. We are blessed to have such loving and giving friends and family. So paying it forward and cleaning out the toy box and closets will be at the top of our 2016 to-do list. It'll be interesting trying to find a spot for toys like this in our new apartment...
Everly's aunt and uncle were so proud of this purchase. The decals were courtesy of her wonderful uncle. He has a matching one on his truck. I think Everly loved it.
We spent Christmas Eve baking and decorating cookies and visited with my sisters who had just made it home for the holidays. The family opened gifts from each other. And later we attended our church's Christmas Eve service and celebrated Jesus' birthday.
After putting Everly to bed for the night we put on our Santa hats and began assembling her gifts. The KidKraft kitchen took us three hours to put together. Shout out to the VIP's of the night, Aunt Courtney and Uncle Brock who traveled 30 minutes at 9:00 at night to help us put everything together.
But it was all worth it to see this face the next morning. Everly was so excited she decided to wake up before the sun rose. Her face lit up at the sight of all the new gifts that magically appeared in front of the Christmas tree over night. She could not contain her excitement and stand still long enough for me to capture a good picture of her at first. Notice the wine glass I forgot to put away? Santa clearly needed a little something extra other than milk. Must have been a rough night.
I hope you all had a very merry Christmas. We aren't quite ready to get back to reality. A mountain-top cabin in Gatlinburg is how we are spending the last week of 2015. This is our fourth annual Chinn family vacation. We are loving life and soaking up the last of the year just enjoying God's beautiful work. Thanks for stopping by! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
December 15, 2015 • MOTHERHOOD
We had a busy weekend full of family visits and errand running. The weather was amazing and we spent as little time in the house as possible. Poor Everly was overly tired this morning and I felt terrible sending her off to daycare. She woke up several times last night unable to sleep and went to bed way past her bedtime both Saturday and Sunday night. Though we did take a minute to drive through Stonegate neighborhood Sunday night to see all the beautiful light displays. We especially enjoyed the Lashbrooks' house. They are a local family who captured the attention of ABC’s The Great Christmas Light Fight national TV show in 2014. And well deserved it was. Their display was incredible.
I'm hoping Everly can recharge this week as the Christmas gatherings are just beginning. This weekend my grandmother and her husband will be in town from Florida and we cannot wait to see them! After Christmas we are leaving for Gatlinburg for our annual family vacation. Then the first week of January it's moving week! Things are crazy. Life is crazy. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
As I mentioned before we had our family pictures taken by the wonderful Paige Logan recently. We had these made for our very first family Christmas card! I am so excited to send them to all of our family and friends. I can't wait to print these out and hang them on the gallery wall I have planned for our new apartment.

I hope you all have a great week! And thank you for the support on my last post. In case anyone was wondering, pick-up went very well Friday evening and the weekend was wonderful. So I felt much better by the beginning of this week. I made Everly promise me this morning that she would smile for me when I picked her up. She agreed :)
December 11, 2015 • MOTHERHOOD
It has been one of those days. One where I just want to lock myself in the bathroom and cry. We don't have many rough days around here. And I don't usually share them with people when we do. But I feel like it's only fair to share a little bit and be real. From the day Everly was born she has always been an absolute joy. Easiest baby ever. Chad and I tell ourselves all the time how lucky we are to have such an amazing, perfect baby. She has brought more happiness to our lives than we ever knew was possible. But this transition into toddlerhood. Guys, I'm struggling this week.
It's no secret that I wish to be a stay-at-home mom. But after evaluating the things that were important to us, I decided it would be best to continue my career path. The working mom guilt has always weighed heavy on me when I leave every morning, ever since the day I finished maternity leave. I sometimes cry on my way to work, especially during the days Everly refuses to let me go.
But now we are in a phase where Everly cries when I pick her up from daycare. Yes, my child now cries when she has to go home. If she doesn't cry, at best I get no reaction at all out of her. I open the door to greet her and she just walks right on by. Nice.
I so desperately long for the days when her face would light up at the sight of me walking through the door and run straight into my arms. Don't get me wrong, this is an obvious sign that we chose the absolute best daycare to care for my baby when I am working. Everly loves her teachers, and I do too. And she spends more time with them than she does me. But talk about crushing a mother's heart. I mean at least a high five or an acknowledgement of my existence would do wonders for me baby girl. This used to be the time of day that got me through work. Seeing and feeling how missed I was by her, it just warmed my heart.
So after I fight to put her in the car seat and bring her home against her will, we spend the rest of the night fighting. This chick is so emotional and sensitive. *insert Chad's eye rolling and amens here as he has to live with an entire house full of emotional and sensitive women* Okay child, I will eventually give in and give you a drink of my sweet tea. I may even choose to not fight the battle of letting you put crayons in your mouth. But I refuse, REFUSE, to let you play with the toilet bowl brush. Sorry chick. You're just going to have to throw a fit on the floor over that one.
This week she refuses to give kisses half the time and sometimes doesn't even want us to touch her. She'll even catch you making eye contact with her and she'll say "nooooo!" What?! But if you leave the room, she loses her marbles. She doesn't want you to touch her. Don't even look at her. But you better not leave the room either. You're messing with my mind girlfriend.
And part of this, I tell myself, is because she's exhausted at the end of the day. She really is. She falls asleep in the car on the way home within seconds almost every day. We live maybe three miles from daycare. So after putting Everly to bed a solid thirty minutes early last night I thanked the Lord for letting me be her mommy, locked myself in the bathroom, and cried. The measly two hours out of the day I got with my little girl was a total and complete struggle.
Typically four out of the five work days of the week are not like this at all. She woke up this morning and greeted me with a smile. Rested her head on my shoulder and held tight to my arm. We laughed and played for a few minutes as I savored her good mood. But alas, it was time to start the day over and head back to work. Fingers crossed pick up goes better today. I don't know if my heart can take many more of yesterday. Chad may have to start picking her up. But I am so looking forward to the weekend, spending quality time with my baby girl, and the passing of this phase.
Typically four out of the five work days of the week are not like this at all. She woke up this morning and greeted me with a smile. Rested her head on my shoulder and held tight to my arm. We laughed and played for a few minutes as I savored her good mood. But alas, it was time to start the day over and head back to work. Fingers crossed pick up goes better today. I don't know if my heart can take many more of yesterday. Chad may have to start picking her up. But I am so looking forward to the weekend, spending quality time with my baby girl, and the passing of this phase.
December 9, 2015 • HOLIDAYS, SHOP
We are loving the Christmas season so far. Having marked several things off our Christmas bucket list we are in full holiday swing. Our halls are decked and stockings are hung. There is a new package on our front porch every day when we get off work and that definitely gets me excited. Everly is really enjoying the boxes too.
This past weekend Chad took me to see The Nutcracker. It was his first time ever hearing the story of The Nutcracker. I was shocked. We also hosted a cookies and cocoa party with several of our friends and their little ones. The kids had a blast and played so well together.
Everly's daycare is celebrating twelve days of Christmas next week with activities and dedicated days of wear-something-Christmassy. So she is in planning mode for that. We also have a weekend planned packed with more fun things. Driving around town to see the best light displays and working on Christmas cards are on the top of our list.
So in light of all this holiday cheer I thought I would share with you all some of our current favorite festive items to help keep our days merry and bright. This is a mixture of items we have and love and a few items on the wish list. Hi, Chad ;)
We have so many things we want to do to within a few short weeks, in addition to fitting in all the family and work Christmas gatherings. But I think Everly is really loving it. Seeing everything through her eyes makes it all so much more fun this year. I think Chad would agree. This is the first time I've ever seen my husband sing and dance to Christmas music in our entire twelve years. Having a little girl apparently changes even the manliest of men.
I can't imagine why. Look at this sweet face. This picture was taken exactly a year ago.
Now please excuse me as I go melt in the corner.
December 7, 2015 • HOLIDAYS, MOTHERHOOD
This update is overdue. These have been a very busy couple of weeks. We are in the middle of our year-end audit at work. We wrapped up the Thanksgiving and shopping festivities. And we have also decided to start apartment hunting! My mom has blessed us with a year of no mortgage and we are so thankful for her willingness to let our crazy bunch into her home for such a long time. We were able to save (and spend) like we would not have been able to otherwise. But we are ready for our own place again. We are still in the process of designing our new home (and hopefully building within the next couple of years) so we decided temporary apartment living was the best choice for us. More to come on that later. But in the mean time let's wrap up our Thanksgiving weekend!
We had a very nice Thanksgiving day. We started the morning off watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade while munching on our cinnamon rolls and the turkey shaped fruit tray. Everly wouldn't touch the cinnamon rolls over the fruit. She devoured almost the entire tray. Surprisingly enough she went straight for the big ole pear right in the middle.
That afternoon the weather was absolutely perfect. It was warm and sunny, unusual for a late November day in Kentucky. So we took full advantage and walked to our neighborhood park to enjoy some fresh air.
My sisters and I did not plan our time efficiently and ended up preparing everything on our Thanksgiving menu straight from the box. But no one noticed ;) It was our first year preparing Thanksgiving dinner by ourselves. So I'll cut us some slack this one time. Although it was actually delicious.
We had a house full of family from both sides. It was a nice treat to have everyone together under one roof. So rare these days.
The next day we decided against going out. Chad had to work unfortunately. So I decided not to brave the crowds alone with Everly. We stuck to our online shopping and marked some great items off Everly's list. But Saturday we supported the big "shop local" campaign and visited several of our favorite local shops.
The stores were so festive with Christmas music and décor everywhere. Each one hosted a different "local celebrity" to take pictures with. One of our favorite local boutiques had Jenny Beth Willis singing live! She's a local artist who made it on season 12 of American Idol. Everly stood in front of her mesmerized the entire time I shopped.
We even ran into Santa that day! Everly was pretty skeptical of him. She better get her Christmas spirit in check real quick.
Sunday we helped Nana put up her Christmas tree. My mom always decorates her entire house so beautifully for Christmas. I'm talking she sets the bar high for the rest of us.
I hope everyone had a wonderful start to the holiday season. We have been working hard on knocking out our Christmas bucket list and immediately dove in to the Christmas festivities. I hope you all have a great week! Thanks for stopping by!
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