Our second princess will be one next week ya'll. ONE! I can't believe it. I think back on the last year and I feel like time just slipped right through my fingers. It went by so fast I'm worried I'll forget (or already have forgotten) the small moments, the tiny details of baby Addison. Our life is such a whirlwind with two kids and a daddy who travels out of town for work. I always consciously make an effort to give each girl a special moment of just her and I at the end of the day before bedtime, even if it's just a small one. Time is moving faster and faster on me and I don't want to forget these days or look back and wish I had appreciated the beauty amongst the madness.
Addison is our solemn baby. Which makes it extra special when she laughs. She smiles with her eyes. Sometimes she smiles so big she gets this tiny dimple under her right eye. Instead of laughing, she shows her happiness and excitement with her body language. She kicks her legs, waves her hands, squeals and smiles the biggest smile when something or someone gets her going. She is WAY more attached to her momma than Everly ever was. And I love it.
She still hates food. Bottle is life. You CANNOT pull out a bottle in front of her. If it's time to prepare a bottle, you must do it in secret. Or she will spit her paci out and immediately start a meltdown. When she gets sleepy and fussy, the quickest way to calm her down is to give her the tag of a blanket. She loves to shove the tag down into her mouth (strategically without removing her paci) and suck on both at the same time. Puts her right to sleep. And she almost always wakes up in the best mood.
She loves music. She will sway side to side dancing the moment a good beat drops. She's not ticklish. At all. And no one can make her laugh the way Everly can. Addison adores her big sister. All Everly does is look at her, and she laughs the sweetest belly laugh. She has four teeth. But you'd never know it unless you went looking because she brings her lips in covering her teeth constantly. She's always sucking on her bottom lip.
This baby girl instantly fit so perfectly into our family. She stole Everly's heart (and all of our's) immediately. It's almost like she's always been here. Yet at the same time we can't believe she's turning one!

Happy birthday Addison Elaine. Words cannot describe how much we love you. You took our hearts by storm from the moment we laid eyes on you. You are solemn yet so sweet. And when you do show excitement, it's with your whole body. Your smile lights up the entire room. And you will never turn down a chance to be held. We cannot wait to celebrate you and your very first birthday sweet girl.
Now I shall spend the rest of the day holding my baby girl while burying my face in her baby cheeks. Because now I am fully aware her babyness will quickly begin to fade.
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