Age: 3 years
Stats: 3' 2" tall and 31 lbs
Clothes: Currently wearing a 4T. I am entering the stage of getting backlash for certain items I pull out of her closet. I was dreading the day this would come. There are days when she's not in the mood to wear a dress. Or she complains about having to wear different shoes. But she's always up for her go-to flip flops, t-shirts and gym shorts. She's her mama's daughter. Obviously not season appropriate now. But if she could, she would wear that every day. I've been considering buying a mini clothes rack to keep in her room. I could pick out a few "mom approved" outfits to hang up. Then let her choose from those selections what she wants to wear for the day. I thought that might be a good way to let both of us keep a little control while still meeting in the middle.

Favorite Foods: Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. Hamburgers when she's in the mood. Unless it's a McDonald's hamburger. Then she'll take one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Still my little fruit lover - grapes, strawberries, bananas, blueberries, blackberries. Plain waffles and yogurt for breakfast. Spaghetti or tacos for dinner. She loves the peanuts at Texas Roadhouse. And the cheese and chips at Mexican restaurants. Overall she's a very good eater. Always has been. I found a picture of nine month old Everly eating ravioli with the toddlers at daycare way back when. She's my spirit animal.
Favorite activities: Playing pretend teacher is her jam. I get to relive her days at daycare every single night. She loves to play Ms. D and put all her babies in timeout. It's quite hilarious and probably a typical day for Everly- living life in timeout. She will put her babies all in a line for "circle time" and read them a book. Or lay every single throw pillow we own on the ground and put one baby on every pillow face down for nap time. This has been her typical evening play since she was probably 18 months. Such a little momma.
She has also been loving her dance classes we started a few months ago. We just had her winter showcase and she absolutely rocked it. She hardly had to look at the teacher to figure out the next move. She knew the words to every song and even clapped for herself when the songs were over. It was a proud moment for Chad and I. All my girl mom dreams came true that day. She's mentioned going back to tumble classes a few times as well. When I asked her which one she preferred, her answer was "both". So there's that. Guess we'll be signing her up for both dance AND tumble in the new year.

Favorite things: Gum. Every time we get in the car she asks for a piece of gum. Her tablet she received from Pappaw last Christmas is still a favorite as well. She loves seek and find books. She LOVES going to church. Favorite movies are the new holiday version of Trolls, Princess and the Frog, and Beauty & the Beast. Those three movies are on repeat every. single. day.
Signature moves: She will have a full on conversation with herself and by herself for the longest time. She will ramble on about complete nonsense for 15-20 minutes. Her imagination is unbelievable. I've started videoing her for a few minutes when she gets going. It's amazing how fast and nonstop her mind works. Completely entertaining and sometimes a bit exhausting when you're trapped in a car with her.
Mom & Dad's Proudest Moment: Everly has learned the F word. Thanks dad.
Other Milestones: This has been such a fun year with Everly. She's getting old enough to try all kinds of new things. It has been such a blast for Chad and I to explore different activities with her to find out what she loves. Some firsts for her this year were trampoline parks, ice skating, Disney on Ice, the zoo, getting her first haircut and of course becoming a big sister! She has a real social life now with birthday parties every month to attend. The other day she even asked if one of her friends could sleep over. How did she even learn what that means?!
Age: 9 months (at the time of writing this. Once I post this she will be 10 months)
Stats: 28.25" long and 19lbs
Clothes: I guess technically she's in a size 12 months. But she wears a full range of sizes thanks to big sister's hand-me-downs.
Favorite foods: Hates food. All food. By far prefers the bottle. Milk is life.
Favorite activities: Currently it's pulling every single ornament off the Christmas tree to chew and bang on. She has recently decided to take up crawling. So she slowly and quietly makes her way around the rooms into everything now. One of her favorites is finding clothing tags, gift tags, or any little piece of something laying around on the floor and inserting it straight into her mouth. We're having to be extra diligent at keeping the floors picked up now. Which is especially fun with a toddler running around.

Favorite things: 1) Napping in her swing. That thing is barely swinging these days as we creep closer and closer to the weight limit. We are hanging on to it for dear life though.
2) Being held by her momma. Baby girl is WAY more attached to me than Everly was and it's basically the best the ever.
3) Dancing. She loves music and will bounce as soon as a good beat drops.
Signature moves: popping her lips, clicking her tongue, and constantly sucking on her bottom lip. She loves to rock back and forth or bounce her upper body up and down when she's sitting. Her arms are constantly in the air twirling her wrists and ankles. I'm always joking with her about it, telling her to just relax.
When she's done with a bottle, done with food, or tired of you being in her face she will push you away with both arms. And if you try again, she will keep pushing you away. It's quite funny the little attitude she's developed already. She has a great stiff arm.
She's also a tough one to make laugh. But anytime her daddy is approaching she flaps her arms and kicks her legs out of excitement. She's definitely not as easily entertained as her sister was. It used to be rare that you would hear her let out a good belly laugh. Chad and I would make fools of ourselves trying to get her to laugh. Only to get "you're crazy" stares, or at best a little smile or giggle from her in return. But she's lightening up and becoming more playful now that her personality is growing.
Mom & Dad's Proudest Moment: Leaving her sitting on my bed (before she was a crawler) and turning my back only to hear my baby fall to the floor. After a few seconds of crying she was completely fine. But it was tragic for this momma. I cried for the next 48 hours and completely beat myself up over it.
Other Milestones: Her first two teeth have popped up and I didn't even notice them until her doctor pointed them out at her 9 month check-up. You can now see them when she smiles really big and it's the cutest thing ever. Just like her sister though, she's such a good baby. Honestly she has been a very easy baby, apart from her ears (again, just like her sister). We are all completely obsessed with her. I want to live in the rolls of her cheeks and chins. Her chubby baby goodness gets me every time.
God has blessed us with two beautiful little girls and we are absolutely crazy about both of them. They make life crazy. They make life fun. And watching them interact and grow every day is pure magic. We love you girls!

God has blessed us with two beautiful little girls and we are absolutely crazy about both of them. They make life crazy. They make life fun. And watching them interact and grow every day is pure magic. We love you girls!
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