Our family currently has a lot going on. Good changes and advancing moves are coming and we are so excited. Life is crazy, but life is great. God is good.
Most recently I have accepted an offer for an accounting position at Century Aluminum. My last day at Wendell Foster's Campus will be March 24th. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. This offer literally fell in my lap out of no where. I was not looking for another job. I love my role at WFC. My coworkers and supervisor are incredible people and will be sorely missed. The flexibility at WFC is a full-time working mother's dream. Change is scary for me. I like my comfortable bubble and rarely venture outside of it. But this was a great offer and I decided I was too young not to take advantage of better opportunities. So I'm making the leap and checking it out. Fingers crossed.
Everly is currently bouncing back and forth between the 18 month old room and 2 year old room. She has been on a biting spree. So we are hoping a new environment and older toddlers will deter her from doing it again. When we first entered the mobile baby room (2 classrooms ago) she became the victim of biting several times. Now that she has learned the tricks of the trade she has taken over as the biter. She is not the only offender in the class, but must be the most frequent one. My over reactive mommy heart sunk having to take my baby to the 2 year old room. But I receive frequent pictures and updates from the teachers reassuring me she is doing just fine. I feel terrible that my sweet and innocent baby is hurting her friends. But the director reassured us it was completely normal behavior. I'm clinging to the hope that once she is able to talk more the biting will stop. It's a little embarrassing to have the "misbehaving" child (for lack of a better word). It's almost like taking the walk of shame with my 19 month old to go to the very back of the building to the 2 year old room. Her teachers promise though that she is a very loving and well behaved toddler despite the occasional biting. Oh the joys of toddlerhood.

PS- Max has joined the family again! We are all very happy to have him with us, especially Everly. We left him with Nana for a while when we moved to our apartment to help keep her company and ease the transition of her empty nest syndrome.

Everly has also learned how to announce when she wets or dirties her diaper, which has been fun. The other day we were shopping in Old Navy and Momma had pressed baby's patience just a little too long. We quickly made our way to the forever long checkout line. After everyone and their mother signed up for the store credit card we finally made it to the register when Everly decided to yell "I poo!" Over and over. "I poo! I poo!" as she grabbed at her diaper. The entire check out line was giggling. Not embarrassing at all. Anxiously speed walking to our car with shopping bags in one hand and a 27 pound toddler in the other I prayed that we had wipes somewhere under one of the seats. I finally got Everly undressed in the trunk only to realize she really had not pooped. We have now learned not to fully trust her new announcement. She uses "I poo" interchangeably with both wet and dirty diapers. Which has actually turned out to be my advantage. When she hollers at me I respond asking if she needs a new diaper. She always enthusiastically replies "yeah!" and runs to her room. Rarely do we have wrestling matches to get a new diaper on anymore. Small win for Momma.
PS- Max has joined the family again! We are all very happy to have him with us, especially Everly. We left him with Nana for a while when we moved to our apartment to help keep her company and ease the transition of her empty nest syndrome.
Everly has also learned how to announce when she wets or dirties her diaper, which has been fun. The other day we were shopping in Old Navy and Momma had pressed baby's patience just a little too long. We quickly made our way to the forever long checkout line. After everyone and their mother signed up for the store credit card we finally made it to the register when Everly decided to yell "I poo!" Over and over. "I poo! I poo!" as she grabbed at her diaper. The entire check out line was giggling. Not embarrassing at all. Anxiously speed walking to our car with shopping bags in one hand and a 27 pound toddler in the other I prayed that we had wipes somewhere under one of the seats. I finally got Everly undressed in the trunk only to realize she really had not pooped. We have now learned not to fully trust her new announcement. She uses "I poo" interchangeably with both wet and dirty diapers. Which has actually turned out to be my advantage. When she hollers at me I respond asking if she needs a new diaper. She always enthusiastically replies "yeah!" and runs to her room. Rarely do we have wrestling matches to get a new diaper on anymore. Small win for Momma.
We have been attending a parent & tot tumbling class with Everly once a week. She absolutely loves it. Her favorite by far is the trampoline. Her teacher couldn't believe how well she jumps. (Proud Mom and Dad moment) But she's also doing great with the mini balance beam and front and back rolls too. The bars are a little advanced for us. So we mainly sit and watch since she's not a big fan of them yet. Our biggest struggle is waiting our turn. Someone please provide tips on how to explain to a 19 month old that you can jump after Peyton finishes. But other than that she is doing so well. And it has been something fun and different that we can do together. Plus by the time we get home she is exhausted and ready for bed, which has been great for Mommy!
I almost died from the cuteness when I put her in her first leotard. Take a look at this quick snapshot I took of Everly to send to my mom.
In other news, the pre-building process has been a painfully slow one. We have had more blueprint meetings than I care to count. It's beginning to get a little frustrating and stressful. The man our contractor enlisted to draw up our blueprint is very backed up. It takes weeks before we can see him again after we make changes. But I am hopeful once we can get a blueprint finalized it'll be a smooth and faster process. I can't wait to share the final drawing with you all!
I almost died from the cuteness when I put her in her first leotard. Take a look at this quick snapshot I took of Everly to send to my mom.
In other news, the pre-building process has been a painfully slow one. We have had more blueprint meetings than I care to count. It's beginning to get a little frustrating and stressful. The man our contractor enlisted to draw up our blueprint is very backed up. It takes weeks before we can see him again after we make changes. But I am hopeful once we can get a blueprint finalized it'll be a smooth and faster process. I can't wait to share the final drawing with you all!
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